
How To Reset Apps On A Vizio Smart Tv

On your vizio smart tv if you are facing issues with app not working on vizio smart tv suddenly, then there are couple of different ways to fix these app not working on vizio smart tv, it can be any application on your vizio smart tv like Netflix, YouTube, or amazon prime or any other application, it can be fixed easily by performing below steps, lets see them in detail how to fix app not working on vision smart tv.

How to fix apps not working on vizio smart tv:


Close All Applications And Reopen them again:

This is a quick fix for apps not working on vizio smart tv, just close application which are not loading or not opening on your vizio smart tv and reopen them again and close application which are running in background. This will fix issue with apps not working on vizio smart tv.

Clear Cache and Data to fix apps not working on vizio smart tv:

You need to clear cache if your apps not working on vizio smart tv which helps to clear all caches files and sort out the issue and you can do it by device settings and free up space on vizio smart tv.

Update the apps which are not working on vizio smart tv:

If you apps which are not working have an update then you need to update apps and after updating apps everything will work fine with apps not working on vizio smart tv.

Step 1: navigate to apps section on vizio smart tv.

Step 2: Select the application which is not working

Step 3: Under application if you see update option, click on it and update application on your vizio smart tv.

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2) How to fix VIZIO Smart tv turns on no picture

3) How to turn on and off airplay on vizio smart tv

4) Fix Netflix App not working on VIZIO Smart TV

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Unplug and Plug back connectors on Vizio Smart tv: (power cycle);

Step 1: Unplug all power cords from your vizio smart tv

Step 2: Wait for 3-5 minutes

Step 3: Plug back all cable back to normal (wall back of vizio smart tv, routers or modem).

Step 4: Turn on your vizo smart tv and open apps which are not working on vizio smart tv.

Step 5: Now all your apps not working on vizio smart tv will start working normal.

Reset tv networks on your vizio smart tv:

When your vizio smart tv is on, reset network connections by removing and disconnecting modem, router and leave it for 10 minutes connect router modem again and when asked enter the password for your wifi and now see if you are facing any issue of your apps not working on vizio smart tv.

Hard reset vizio smart tv for apps not working:

Step 1: Grab your remote press the menu bttuon.

Step 2: Navigate to System on Menu and press ok

Step 3: Select Reset and select ok

Step 4: Select Reset tv to factory default and press ok

Step 5: Enter parental lock code when prompted.

Step 6: Now select reset and press ok

Note: default parental lock code is 0000.

Step 7: System will reset your vizio smart tv and restart your vizio smart tv and open apps, now you apps will work without any issue.

Change DNS Server Settings to fix apps not working on Vizio Smart tv:

Step 1: Press menu button on your vizio smart tv remote

Step 2: Under networks->network status->IP Settings

Step 3: Change dns server to or and press ok

Why vizio smart tv apps not working?

Update your apps which are not working or perform power cycle and trouble shoot issue as explained in this article.

How can I reset apps on a Vizio Smart TV?

Go to Apps->Select Application->select uninstall or delete and reinstall again to reset apps.

How to clear cache and data of apps on vizio smart tv?

By device settings you can clear all caches files and sort out the issue and you can do it by device settings.

How to update my Vizio Smart TV apps?

Apps->Select Application->Under apps icon->Check for updates->Update if app update is available. if app update is available.

How To Reset Apps On A Vizio Smart Tv


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